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Image bank

Search tips
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Reaserch request
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How to search on the Photogenica website?

Type a keyword, an image number (preceded with $) or a photographer’s name (preceded with $$) in the search field.
Words used to make a request should be used in the following way:
  • a) nouns in the singular or plural form,
  • b) verbs in the infinitive,
  • c) adjectives and ordinal numbers in singular and plural forms,
  • d) proper names and geographical names – you can try English names or the original ones.
In case of homonyms, after typing a keyword that has more than one meaning, stock images matching all the meanings will be displayed. You can eliminate unwanted results by adding other words.
Keywords can be used with the logical operator: AND. In case of typing two or more words without the logical operator, the word AND is automatically inserted. For example, result of the search "woman beach" (or woman AND beach) will be stock images depicting women on beaches.
Some of keywords consist of two or more words. If you type in at least two words in the search field, the browser will first check if there is a keyword consisting of those words. If there is, (for example a "king penguin" ), than the images that match this phrase will be displayed. If the phrase doesn’t exist ( for example a "blue penguin"), then the browser will automatically link these two words with the operator AND, and the search results will be the results that apply to the request "penguin AND blue"


Displaying search results

A correct request will result in a dynamic presentation of content (stock photos, illustrations, vector illustrations, footage, audio tracks). Depending on the number of results, the content is placed on one or several pages. You can navigate search results using arrows located above and below search results. The number of the currently viewed page as well as the total number of generated pages are also displayed (for example 5 of 14).
Driving mouse over an image in search results displays following icons:
  • cart – adding a product to cart,
  • arrows - the blue one for downloading within packs and the green one for downloading for credits,
  • pictures – searching for similar results.


How to find content items similar to the selected one?

Click on the "pictures" icon (first from the right) visible after driving your mouse over the image. A pop-up window will appear and keywords relating to this image will be shown. You can choose several keywords relating to one image and click "Execute" to start a new search.
You can also display other content items of the same author or items created during the same photo session.


Can I search within my search results?

Yes, you can. Tick the checkbox "in results" located below the search field.


How to search only for content available within download packs?

Some of the content presented on the Photogenica website is not available within download packs. In order to search only within content available within download packs, go to the tab “Available within packs and subscriptions“.


How to search only for content available for credits?

Some content presented on the Photogenica website is not available for credits. In order to search only within content available for credits, go to the tab “Available for credits“.


How to search only for content available within subscriptions?

Some of the content presented on the Photogenica website is not available within subscriptions. In order to search only within content available within subscriptions, go to the tab “Available within packs and subscriptions“.


My searches

In the menu "Search – My searches" you can find the whole list of your searches. You can display the results of any of your searches, but you need to remember, that in case of adding new images, the search results may be a little different from the original ones. To store particular images from search results, you need to add them to a cart.


How to use advanced search?

Click the link "options" located next below the search field and choose appropriate options on the selections lists.


Search results display settings

In search options you can define the number of results to be displayed per page (the default number is 50, but you can also choose 100 or 200) as well as select the sorting method.


What should I do if I don’t get the results I expect?

You can:
  • a) check whether the spelling of the keyword is correct,
  • b) check whether all options of the advanced search are switched off,
  • c) make sure that you are not searching within previous results,
  • d) try expanding the request by applying keywords that have more general meaning,
  • e) try using other words, such as synonyms,
  • f) contact us and let us help you out: info@photogenica.eu.


Can I create my own selections of images, clips or audio tracks?

Yes. Carts can be used as lightboxes. Just create a new cart and simply add selected items to such cart. You can also share carts with other persons in order to show them the content of your cart or let them edit a copy of the shared cart through their Photogenica accounts.


Detailed guidelines to on–line licensing


© Photogenica Sp. z o.o.
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